My name is Jules Cormier, MD. I'm married to my best friend Melissa, I have two beautiful daughters, Zara and Kassi, and a dog, Fluffy. I'm from a small coastal fishing village of a couple thousand people on the east coast of Canada. The village of Cap-Pele, on the south east coast of New Brunswick, is a beach lovers' paradise.
I grew up there with my twin sister Julie, older brother Luc, and mother Rita. My father hasn't been in the picture since I was very young. This probably explains why my mom instilled us with a sense of independence, mental fortitude, patience and determination.
These qualities were very useful for me. I worked hard during my high school years and earned the Governor General's Medal of Academic Excellence while playing high school badminton and being the student council president. I then completed my premed training in Moncton, NB, and then went on to earn my Ph.D in medicine, at the Universite de Sherbrooke medical school, where I graduated in 2005. I chose family medicine as my specialty, since forming lifelong relationships with my patients was a priority of mine.
In 2007, I was offered a spot at Dieppe's Unite de Medecine Familiale, a group and teaching practice where interns and medical students do their training. I also teach part-time at our local medical school, where I've taught everything from endocrinology, lifestyle medicine, and medical interviewing skills to skin surgery techniques.
Now, I focus most of my attention on my own practice, which includes a skin surgery clinic, and on spreading the word about plantbased diets to other medical professionals. In my spare time, and when the kids are sleeping, I like to workout and read the latest medical research about the evidence on plantbased diets.
The story explaining why I decided to transition to a plantbased diet is an interesting one, and will appear in a future blog post.
My mission is to create awareness about the power of your daily lifestyle choices in adding years to your life and life to your years.
I hope you enjoy, share, and engage!
Plantbased Dr Jules