The science
Have you ever wondered why your doctor tends to recommend medications as a first line therapy for most of the issues you have? Have you ever asked him or her about their views or opinions regarding certain foods, or diets? Were you satisfied with the answer? Why would you care about his or her "opinion" when there's clear scientific data that answers all these questions.
Here's the thing. Medical doctors trained in modern medicine get almost no formal training in nutrition. Don't get me wrong, we are very well educated in diagnosing and treating medical conditions, but preventing them, that's another thing.
Did you know that most of our top killers are chronic medical conditions that can be mostly or partly prevented. In certain parts of the world, cardiovascular disease which include strokes and heart attacks, are rare, and in others, non-existent. In the western world eating a standard western diet, they are rampant. Same thing with many cancers, and diabetes, and hypertension, and...
Did you ever think that maybe eating habits are what run in families, instead of heart disease? The science shows that genes account for 10-20% of disease risk at the most. Lifestyle choices account for the rest. There has been an exponential increase in the amount of nutrition studies being published annually, and questions regarding the best diet for health and longevity aren't a matter of opinion anymore, but rather of expert consensus and scientific proof. Data doesn't lie and doesn't take opinions into account. For those unaware of the data, all the studies point towards a whole food plant-based diet.
For those of you who still aren't convinced, please consider researching reliable sites like where scientific studies published in the medical literature are available for review. I strongly recommend you read the following landmark studies on nutrition and health outcomes: The China Study, The Adventist Health Studies, Epic-Oxford. Also, consider navigating through for the latest in nutrition research. If you're more the movie-documentary type, consider watching classics in the plant-based movement, like Forks Over Knives, What The Health, Cowspiracy, Seaspiracy, The Game Changers and Vegucated among many more.
Check out these resources, I'm confident they will help motivate, educate and kick start your plant-based transition. In no time, you'll notice your health improving, just like the science said...
So the science is clear... A well planned whole food plant-based diet is the best way to ensure optimal physical and mental health as well as longevity. In 2019, Canada made a controversial announcement. They presented us with their latest Canada Food Guide. How can a food guide be controversial? By listening to nutrition experts, scientific data coming from over 100 systematic reviews on food topics and listening to the best balance of evidence while ignoring lobbyists, industry-commissioned reports and big corporations wanting to push their products, that's how. Experts finally removed the Dairy food group, and made water the drink of choice. Then they removed the Meat food group and replaced it with a Protein food group encouraging more plant-based sources of protein. They encouraged eating the rainbow, referring to eating a variety of colors of fruits and veggies, understanding that the colors are the vitamins and antioxidants. Go Canada!
By ignoring food companies, commodity groups and lobbying boards, Health Canada based their recommendations on the most up-to-date science available at the time. That's exactly how all health recommendations should be made, according to science, period. No industry influence, no marketing, no products to sell, just science.